Unique Registration Number: 404
Innovator Name:
Vivek Khadilkar
Saeel Kamat
Drasti Naik
Contact No: +917588667535
Contact Email: vivek.khadilkar99@gmail.com
Project Objective:
The objectives are as follows:
- To design and implement a sanitizing robot with greater efficiency, effectiveness, and minimizing manufacturing costs.
- To complement the existing cleanliness and disinfection protocols to maintain high hygiene standards.
- This method of application will allow us to disinfect large areas accurately. Most importantly, the technical staff whose prolonged exposure to highly concentrated chemicals while working in an entirely safe and risk-free environment.
- To achieve desired results from the task assigned with minimum human involve- ment.
- The main objective is to reduce the risk of infection spread and to lower the burden on healthcare and most important to save human lives
With such a spike in new variants of COVID cases, health workers are central to the ongoing pandemic response, balancing additional service delivery needs while conserving essential health services. They have a higher infection risk and face fatigue, psychological distress, and stigma while protecting the greater community. Healthcare systems improve the health service coverage and their acceptability, availability, and quality help to attain a good health standard. Some challenges faced to have health workers may also result from the shortage by the public sector to absorb the supply of health workers due to constraints in budget. As a result, we are confronted with the inconsistency of health worker unemployment occurring with significant unmet health needs. So, it’s necessary to lower the infection risk faced by the frontline worker. This creates a major cause to spread the coronavirus. As the frontline workers get infected, it creates a major problem to stop the spread of the virus. Thus, this project proposes the idea of building a ‘Sanitizing Robot’ which is smart enough to sanitize open spaces, public areas, and large facilities.
Project Outcome/result/findings:
The proposed model designed is a Sanitizing Robot which makes use of a robot to sanitize indoors using UV-C Sanitization System and out- doors using spraying system. The user can operate and control both the system using a remote, hence reducing the risk of infection spread, simultaneously lowering the burden on the laborers. Furthermore, saving human lives is possible using this robot.
Innovative Approach:
Our proposed model has a dual combination of disinfection methods. In our proposed model we have incorporated both, i.e. Disinfection spraying system and UVC sanitization system for sanitation giving a choice of preference and flexibility in switching over the kind of methods offered. The proposed model has dual ways of charging the batteries for the bot viz. charger sockets, as well as solar panel power wherein user, can opt for either of the power supply as per need and also considering solar panel as a renewable source of energy and power saving. Simultaneously considering protection from viruses, ensuring effective sanitation without any area left uncovered to prevent mishaps occur- ring due to UVC light knowing the fact it is harmful to humans, the proposed model has a camera attached giving the live video streaming or footage of surroundings. Also, the proposed model has safety lights and a buzzer installed for alertness ensuring no human presence around during the operation premises. Given a task, operating it without hu- man involvement will be done by our proposed model.